Artificial Inteligence
for Pandemic Times

Come to the BLUE TUNNEL

Ready to Help About Your Need

Do not hesitate to tell us what your need is.

We are ready to analyze every detail of your environment to brainstorm and share with you the
best possible solution that complies with your operating conditions.

There are many options to apply, but all of them can be just one, depending on each scenario and
request. Therefore, a careful, deep and thorough analysis of each project is required.

Our Engineering has too much experience in real and solved cases around the world.

Trust us what we say!

Electronic Monitoring or...

Born at twilight of the XX Century, ELECTRONIC MONITORING is a surveillance process performed by cameras that record video images from indoor and/or outdoor environments for later analysis when an unwanted or unusual event occurs.

Despite being a breakthrough technology and relatively successful at that time, it was quickly realized that it was totally inefficient for its intended purpose.

It's easy to understand that dozens of people can't see everything that happens on hundreds of monitors, each one displaying multiple continuous and simultaneous images every second. Add to this the poor quality of images captured by cameras from the last century, making it difficult or impossible to accurately view important events.

Today this process is completely outdated, obsolete and ineffective.

... Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence also uses images captured by Electronic Monitoring cameras, but it does everything that humans cannot see and does.

The AI software running over images captured by live cameras in real-time allows to detect unwanted or unusual simultaneous events at virtually the same time as they happen without any human action and automatically.

The software "learns" the scenario and according to the settings detects what is relevant and important in each scenario even from complex or low-light scenes.

Each event detected trigger an alarm, take the image of the moment of the event, records video of the fact, and generates forensic reports, which can be used as fact's evidence on Court.

Humans are not yet able to do that at the same time and with the same accuracy.

New Technologies

Some new technologies are well present and other are coming among us every day.

Some of them include Face Recognition, Nanotechnology, Autonomous Vehicles, "Just Walk Out" Chain Stores, Flying Men, Flying Bikes, and so on.

Not all are available on BLUE TUNNEL, of course, but we are at age of total, quiet, discreet and effective behaviors control to improve business outcomes, welfare conditions, life quality and security for all.

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