by TechnoAware

Success Cases Around the World

Evidence of efficiency and reliability.

High level quality and professional.

Critical Infrastructures

Spain 18 photovoltaic plants
Italy Acerra gasifier
Italy Cameri military base
South Africa Chevron production plants
South Africa Dux production plants
Chile ENEL photovoltaic plants
Italy ENEL photovoltaic plants
Italy ENI’s building
Italy ERG refineries
Chile Escondida Copper Mine, BHP Billiton
Italy Ilva steel production plant
Russia Lukoil’s production plants
Italy Military base in Sardegna
Cyprus National water depots
Norway NATO military base
Afghanstan NATO military base
Italy Niagara’s toxic waste disposal plant
Jordan Petrol Refinery
Poland Petrolchemical plant
Spain Protection of the Wind Power Plants Ventika
Spain REPSOL Refineries
Italy SARAS refinery plants
Italy Sigonella US military base
Italy Terna Energia photovoltaic plants
Spain Water depots in Valencia

Public Facilities and Building

Marocco Agadir stadium
Italy AlfaRomeo Museum
Colombia Bioma Museum, El Parque Los Yarumos
Bolívia Bolivia National Customs
South Korea Buddah Temple
Italy Casa di Cura Villa Montallegro
Brazil CEBRASPE, University of Brazilia
Italy Corte dei Conti
Italy Ferrari Museum
Russia Governative building protection
Brazil Grand Hyatt Hotel
Brazil Ministery of Economy building protection
Spain Museo Universidad de Navarra
Italy Naples Law Court
Colombia Palace of the Culture, Medellín
Spain Pamplona Museum
Portugal Portugal Parlament
Italy Poste Italiane
Brazil Salvador Dalì Artwork Exhibition
Singapore Sentosa Marina Bay Sands
Sweden Stockholm schools
Italy University of Turin
Italy University of Venice
Vaticano City Vatican Museums
Italy Villa Basilea Hospital


Italy Airport of Venice
Brazil Archer Daniels Midland, Port of Santos
Brazil Cargill Agri Business
Italy High Speed Railways construction sites protection
South Korea Highway tunnels in Seoul
Germany Hochbahn Hamburger Metro
Portugal Infrastructures of Portugal
Brazil ECO Rodovias Highways
Italy Milan Metro stations
Colombia Medellín Metro
Poland Polish Railway stations
Italy Port of La Spezia
Italy Port of Napoli
Italy Port of Olbia
Italy Port of Venice
Italy Porto of Loano (SV)
Portugal Railways stations
Italy Società Autostrade
Iran Teheran main streets and highways
Italy Tunnels of Firenze Highway
Brazil VALE, Carajas Railroad
Brazil Via Rondon Highways
Poland Warsaw Airport

Smart Cities

Italy Comune di Carini (PA)
Italy Comune di Forlì
Italy Comune di Torino
Italy Comune di Venaria Reale (TO)
Spain Madrid City surveillance
Colombia Medellín Police
Colombia Medellín Tawn Hall
Russia Moskow City
Italy Our Lady of Loreto Sanctuary, Genoa
Italy Police of Ancona
Italy Police of Turin
Brazil Prison of Lajeado, RS
Spain Barcelona squares protection
Brazil Towns of 2014 FIFA Football World Cup
Italy Treviso Police Station

Retail and Marketing

Italy Autocaravan
Cyprus Commercial mall
Italy Cruciani
Italy Eurospin
Lithuania Gedimino9 Commercial Mall
Italy H&M
Italy Ikea
Romania Lidl Supermarket stock area
Russia Magnit
South Africa Mall in CapeTown
Italy Q8 gasoline stations
Italy RobediKappa Superga
Italy Sephora
Italy Shell gasoline stations
Iran Teheran commercial mall
Italy Tods Stores
Italy Trony Stores

Bank and Finance

Italy Banca Credito Cooperativo
Spain Banca La Caixa
Italy Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Italy Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
Italy Banca Padovana
Italy Banca Popolare di Milano
Italy Bank of Italy
Brazil Bradesco Bank
Germany South West Bank

TechnoAware Success Cases. Download PDF.

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